Lili Guo, Huiwen Yu, Mourad Kharbach, Yuan Li. 2023.Tensor methods in date analysis of chromatography/mass spectroscopy-based plant metabolomics. Plant Methods, forthcoming. (JCR Q1,中科院二区)
Wenqian Zhang, Jiahua Wei, Lili Guo, Heng Fang, Xiaojuan Liu, Kehao Liang, Wenquan Niu , Fulai Liu, 2023. Effects of two different biochars on mitigating drought and salt stress on tomato plant at the seedling stage. Agronomy 13(4), 1039. (JCR Q1,中科院二区)
Lili Guo, Marie Louise Bornø, Wenquan Niu, Fulai Liu. 2021. Biochar amendment
improves shoot biomass of tomato seedlings and sustains water relations and leaf
gas exchange rates under different irrigation and nitrogen regimes. Agricultural
Water Management 245:106580. (JCR Q1,中科院一区)
Lili Guo, Huiwen Yu, Mourad Kharbach, Jingwei Wang. 2021. The Response of Nutrient Uptake, Photosynthesis and Yield of Tomato to Biochar Addition under Reduced Nitrogen Application. Agronomy 11 (8): 1598. (JCR Q1,中科院二区)
Lili Guo, Huiwen Yu, Wenquan Niu, Mourad Kharbach. 2021. Biochar Promotes Nitrogen Transformation and Tomato Yield by Regulating Nitrogen-Related Microorganisms in Tomato Cultivation Soil. Agronomy 11 (2):381. (JCR Q1,中科院二区)
Lili Guo, Huiwen Yu, Mourad Kharbach, Wenqian Zhang, Jingwei Wang, Wenquan Niu. 2021. Biochar improves soil-tomato plant, tomato production, and economic benefits under reduced nitrogen application in northwestern China. Plants 10 (4),
759. (JCR Q1,中科院三区)
Huiwen Yu, Lili Guo, Mourad Kharbach, Wenjie Han. 2021. Multiway data analysis coupled with NIR spectroscopy for food industry: algorithms and applications. Foods 10 (4), 802. (JCR Q1,中科院一区)
Yadan Du, Wenquan Niu, Qian Zhang, Bingjing Cui, Xiaobo Gu, Lili Guo. 2018. Effects of nitrogen on soil microbial abundance enzyme activity, and nitrogen use efficiency in greenhouse celery under aerated irrigation. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 82:606–613(JCR Q2,中科院三区)
Jingwei Wang, Wenquan Niu, Lili Guo, Lu Liu, Yuan Li, Miles Dyck. 2017. Drip irrigation with film mulch improves soil alkaline phosphatase and phosphorus uptake. Agricultural Water Management. 201, 258-267 (JCR Q1,中科院一区)
Xiaoyang Zou, Wenquan Niu, Jingjing Liu, Yuan Li, Lili Guo. 2017. Effects of residual mulch film on the growth and fruit quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 228: 71(JCR Q3,中科院四区)
Wenquan Niu, Jun Gu, Bohui Liang, Lili Guo, Wang Lv, Yuan Li. 2017. Effects of lateral depths on growth, yield and quality of tomato under water deficit condition. Transactions of The Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery (Chinese, EI). 48(3), 279-287.
Wenquan Niu, Wang Lv, Jun Gu, Bohui Liang, Lili Guo, Guan Yahui. 2017. Effects of moistube depth and spacing on soil water and salt transports of tomato in solar greenhouse. Transactions of The Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Chinese, EI). 33(19), 131-140