宋琎楠,男,博士,讲师,邮箱:jinnansong93@gmail.com; sjn960001727@163.com
1. 荞麦拒Na+部位拒Na+的细胞学机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,78 万,2014.01-2017.12Jinnan Song c.v.
2. 臭氧水施用对果蔬农艺性状影响的研究,山东省重点研发计划,20 万,2016.12-2018.05 (主要
3. 새싹삼의 식물공장 생산성 증진 기술 개발 (发芽人参植物工厂增产技术开发),韩国庆尚南道
产业联合技术开发项目,52,000,000 韩元,2022.08-2023.01 (主要负责人)
获奖情况 (博士期间)
1. Brain Korea 21 Program for Leading Universities and Students (韩国政府BK计划全额奖学金).
2019.09 至今.
2. Young Pioneer Researcher Award (校级). 2022.05.
3. Young Pioneer Researcher Award (校级). 2022.11
近五年内发表论文 (按发表时间排序)
➢ 英文 SCI (第一作者,共计10篇,总影响因子为42.0):
1. Song, J. N., Liu, X. H., Wang, Y. Q., & Yang, H. B. (2021). Transcriptome analysis reveals salinity
responses in four Tartary buckwheat cultivars. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and
Biotechnology, 30(3), 564-578. (大类生物四区, IF2021=1.53)
2. Song, J. N., Wang, Y. Q., Li, F. L., Hu, Y. J., & Yang, H. B. (2021). Effect of saline soil and amino
acids on quality and yield of field Tartary buckwheat. Land Degradation and Development, 32(8),
2554-2562. (大类农林一区Top, IF2021=4.38)
3. Song, J., Li, Y., Hu, J., Lee, J., & Jeong, B. R. (2021). Pre-and/or postharvest silicon application
prolongs the vase life and enhances the quality of cut peony (Paeonia lactiflora Pall.) flowers. Plants
basel, 10(8), 1742. (大类生物三区, 小类植物科学二区, IF2021=4.66)
4. Song, J., Yang, J., & Jeong, B. R. (2021). Growth, quality, and nitrogen assimilation in response to
high ammonium or nitrate supply in cabbage (Brassica campestris L.) and lettuce (Lactuca sativaJinnan Song c.v.
L.). Agronomy-basel, 11(12), 2556. (大类农林二区, 小类农艺学二区, IF2021=3.95)
5. Song, J., Yang, J., & Jeong, B. R. (2022). Root GS and NADH-GDH play important roles in
enhancing the ammonium tolerance in three bedding plants. International Journal of Molecular
Sciences, 23(3), 1061. (大类生物二区Top, IF2021=6.21)
6. Song, J., Yang, J., & Jeong, B. R. (2022). Decreased solution pH and increased K+ uptake are related
to ammonium tolerance in hydroponically cultured plants. Horticulturae, 8(3), 228. (大类农林三区,
小类园艺二区, IF2021=2.92)
7. Song, J., Yang, J., & Jeong, B. R. (2022). Silicon mitigates ammonium toxicity in cabbage (Brassica
campestris L. ssp. pekinensis) ‘Ssamchu’. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, 922666. (大类
农林二区, 小类食品科技二区, IF2021=5.01)
8. Song, J., Yang, J., & Jeong, B. R. (2022). Alleviation of ammonium toxicity in Salvia
splendens ‘Vista Red’ with silicon supplementation. Toxics, 10(8), 446. (大类环境与生态三区, 小类
毒理学二区, IF2021=4.47)
9. Song, J. N., Wang, Y. Q., & Yang, H. B. (2022). MicroRNA sequencing reveals the salt responses in
four Tartary buckwheat cultivars. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, 1-20. (大类生物
四区, 小类植物科学三区, IF2021=2.66)
10. Song, J., Yang, J., & Jeong, B. R. (2022). Synergistic effects of silicon and preservative on promoting
postharvest performance of cut flowers of peony (Paeonia lactiflora Pall.). International Journal of
Molecular Sciences, 23(21), 13211. (大类生物二区Top, IF2021=6.21)
➢ 中文期刊 (第一作者,共计3篇):
1. 宋琎楠, 王雅琦, 王亚楠, 马荣斌, 刘慧玲, 冯涛, 杨洪兵. 臭氧水对菠菜幼苗生理特性及营养成分
的影响. 中国瓜菜, 2019, 32(9):34-37. (北大核心期刊)
2. 宋琎楠, 陆启环, 王中新, 王雅琦, 杨洪兵. 臭氧水浇灌对韭菜幼苗抗氧化酶活性及营养成分的影
响. 中国瓜菜, 2018, 31(4):16-18. (北大核心期刊)
3. 宋琎楠, 王雅琦, 孙唯航, 任宏伟,于延冲, 冯涛, 杨洪兵, 董春海. 臭氧水处理对大姜幼苗生理特性
的影响. 山东农业科学, 2018, 50(3):50-52. (科技核心期刊)
➢ 共同第一作者 (共计4篇):
1. Zhang, J. S.+ , Wang, Y. Q.+ , Song, J. N.+ , Xu, J. P., & Yang, H. B. (2020). Effect of aspartic acid on
physiological characteristics and gene expression of salt exclusion in Tartary buckwheat under salt
stress. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 29(1), 94-101. (大类生物四区,
2. Wang, Y. Q.+, Song, J. N.+ , & Yang, H. B. (2022). DNA methylation regulates the expression of salt
tolerance gene FtNHX1 in Tartary buckwheat. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, 34(2),
185-195. (生物四区, 小类植物科学三区, IF2021=2.66)
3. 刘雪华+ , 宋琎楠+ , 陆启环+ , 张玉喜, 侯丽霞, 于延冲, 张艳萍, 刘春英, 董春海, 杨洪兵. 苦荞麦拒盐
基因FtSOS1的克隆与表达研究. 植物生理学报, 2017, 53(12): 2157-2166. (北大核心期刊)
4. 刘雪华+ , 宋琎楠+ , 张玉喜, 侯丽霞, 于延冲, 赵方贵, 刘春英, 董春海, 杨洪兵. 苦荞麦FtNHX1基因
的克隆及表达分析. 华北农学报, 2017, 32(4):49-54. (中文核心期刊)
➢ 共同作者 (共计11篇):
1. Lu, Q. H., Wang, Y. Q., Song, J. N., & Yang, H. B. (2018). Transcriptomic identification of salt
related genes and de novo assembly in common buckwheat (F. esculentum). Plant Physiology and
Biochemistry, 127, 299-309. (生物二区, IF2021=5.44)
2. Trinh, K. H., Kadam, U. S., Song, J., Cho, Y., Kang, C. H., Lee, K. O., ... & Hong, J. C. (2021). Jinnan Song c.v.
Novel DNA aptameric sensors to detect the toxic insecticide fenitrothion. International Journal of
Molecular Sciences, 22(19), 10846. (生物二区Top, IF2021=6.21)
3. Yang, J., Song, J., & Jeong, B. R. (2021). Side lighting enhances morphophysiology and runner
formation by upregulating photosynthesis in strawberry grown in controlled
environment. Agronomy, 12(1), 24. (农林二区, IF2021=3.95)
4. Yang, J., Song, J., & Jeong, B. R. (2022). Lighting from top and side enhances photosynthesis and
plant performance by improving light usage efficiency. International Journal of Molecular
Sciences, 23(5), 2448. (生物二区Top, IF2021=6.21)
5. Yang, J., Song, J., & Jeong, B. R. (2022). Drenched silicon suppresses disease and insect pests in
coffee plant grown in controlled environment by improving physiology and upregulating defense
genes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(7), 3543. (生物二区Top, IF2021=6.21)
6. Yang, J., Song, J., & Jeong, B. R. (2022). Low-intensity blue light supplemented during photoperiod
in controlled environment induces flowering and antioxidant production in
kalanchoe. Antioxidants, 11(5), 811. (医学二区, IF2021=7.68)
7. Yang, J., Song, J., & Jeong, B. R. (2022). The flowering of SDP chrysanthemum in response to
intensity of supplemental or night-interruptional blue light is modulated by both photosynthetic carbon
assimilation and photoreceptor-mediated regulation. Frontiers in Plant Science. (生物二区Top,
8. Yang, J., Song, J., & Jeong, B. R. (2022). Blue Light Supplemented at Intervals in Long-Day
Conditions Intervenes in Photoperiodic Flowering, Photosynthesis, and Antioxidant Properties in
Chrysanthemums. Antioxidants, 11(12), 2310. (医学二区, IF2021=7.68)
9. 张佳松, 陆启环, 李发良, 杨宏楹, 徐婵, 宋琎楠, 王雅琦, 杨洪兵. 盐胁迫下12个甜荞新品种生理特
性及FtNHX1基因表达差异的比较. 华北农学报, 2018, 33(5):144-150. (中文核心期刊)
10. 陆启环, 宋琎楠, 秦翠润, 张弢, 于延冲, 易晓华, 冯涛, 杨洪兵. 臭氧水处理对草莓果实营养成分的
影响. 中国南方果树, 2018, 47(1):119-120+124. (北大核心期刊)
11. 王雅琦, 宋琎楠, 陆启环, 冯涛, 杨洪兵. 臭氧水浇灌和喷施对马铃薯幼苗生理特性的影响. 山东农
业科学, 2018, 50(5):43-45. (科技核心期刊)
1. YANG Hongbing, DONG Chunhai, FENG Tao, YU Yanchong, ZHANG Tao, GAO Ting, SONG Jin
nan, LU Qihuan, XU Jinpeng. Ozone water application method for greenhouse cucumber, ZA202204
651, 2022-06-29. (已授权)
2. YANG Hongbing, HU Yanjiang, ZHAO Fanggui, ZHANG Yanping, SONG Jinnan, WANG Yaqi, X
U Xiaodong, WANG Zizhou. Amino acid spraying method for field buckwheat, ZA202206091, 2022-
09-28. (已授权)
3. 杨洪兵, 董春海, 宋琎楠, 冯涛, 于延冲, 陆启环, 王雅琦, 王中新. 一种韭菜浇灌臭氧水后补充微量
元素的施用方法[P]. 山东:CN107637244A, 2018-01-30. (导师前二作)
4. 杨洪兵, 董春海, 宋琎楠, 王雅琦, 冯涛. 一种菠菜浇灌和喷洒臭氧水后补充微量元素的施用方法
[P]. 山东:CN108064525A, 2018-05-25. (导师前二作)