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2006年-2010年 吉林大学 生物化学与分子生物学 博士
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2022年-至今 必威betway官网入口 任教
1. GAO D Y, XU Z S, HE Y, SUN Y W, MA Y Z and XIA L Q. Functional analyses of an E3 ligase gene AIP2 from wheat in Arabidopsis revealed its roles in seed germination and pre-harvest sprouting [J]. JIPB, 2014,56(5): 480-491.
2. MA L Q, GAO D Y, WANG Y N, WANG H H, ZHANG J X, PANG X B, HU T S, LV S Y, LI G F, YE H C, LI Y F, WANG H. Effects of Overexpression of Endogenous Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PALrs1) on Accumulation of Salidroside in Rhodiola sachalinensis[J]. Plant Biology, 2008, 10: 323-333.
3. MA L Q, LIU B Y, GAO D Y, PANG X B, LV S Y, Yu H S, WANG H, YAN F, LI Z Q, LI Y F, YE H C. Molecular cloning and overexpression of a novel UDP-glucosyltransferase elevating salidroside levels in Rhodiola sachalinensis[J]. Plant Cell Rep, 2007, 26: 989-999.
4. MA L Q, GUO Y W, GAO D Y, MA D M, WANG Y N, LI G F, LIU B Y, WANG H, YE H C. Identification of a Polygonum cuspidatum three-intron gene encoding a type III polyketide synthase producing both naringenin and p-hydroxybenzalacetone[J]. Planta, 2009, 229(5): 1077-1086.
5. XU Z S, XIONG T F, NI Z Y, CHEN X P, CHEN M, LI L C, GAO D Y, YU X D, LIU P, MA Y Z. Isolation and identification of two genes encoding leucine-rich repeat (LRR) proteins differentially responsive to pathogen attack and salt stress in tobacco[J]. Plant Science, 2009, 176: 38-45.
6. XU Z S, NI Z Y, LI Z Y, LI L C, CHEN M, GAO D Y, YU X D, LIU P, MA Y Z. Isolation and functional characterization of HvDREB1—a gene encoding a dehydration-responsive element binding protein in Hordeum vulgare[J]. J Plant Res, 2009, 122: 121-130.
7. 高东尧,夏兰琴,徐兆师,马有志,李彦舫,原亚萍,李连城,陈明,孙金海.小麦WVp-1基因表达载体的Gateway技术构建及其遗传转化[J].麦类作物学报,2009,29(2):189-194.
8. 高东尧,夏兰琴,马有志,徐兆师,徐惠君,杜丽璞,聂丽娜,李彦舫,原亚萍,李连城,陈明,孙金海.小麦Vp-1基因RNA干扰表达载体的构建及遗传转化[J].植物遗传资源学报,2009,10(1):9-15.
9. 高东尧,马兰青,张继星,何秀霞,李彦舫.农杆菌介导UDP-葡萄糖基转移酶基因转化长鞭红景天.东北师范大学学报,2006,3(38):8-10.
10. 中国植物学会.中国植物学会七十五周年年会论文摘要汇编(1933-2008)[C].兰州:高东尧,马兰青,韩俊友,李彦舫.高山红景天红景天甙生物合成代谢途径初探,2008.
11. 中国作物学会.2008中国作物学会学术年会论文摘要集[C].福州:高东尧,徐兆师,马有志,徐慧君,李彦舫,孙金海,原亚萍,夏兰琴.小麦穗发芽抗性相关Vp-1基因的分离与功能分析,2008.